Little French Girl

{July 17, 2010}   Chewy Carrot Coconut Cookies

This was my second experience with a dehydrator, here’s the recipe:

Ingredients for 10 cookies:
2 carrots, peeled and shredded
1/2 cup coconut shavings
1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1-2 tablespoons raw honey
1 cup raw unsalted walnuts, ground (a coffee grinder is great for it)
2 teaspoons mesquite powder
1 teaspoon maca powder
1 pinch clove
1 pinch nutmeg

Mix all ingredients well, making sure the honey is spread evenly throughout the batter. You can use your clean sprightly fingers, or a wooden spoon. Once you have an even, dense and sticky paste, make ten little disks (of the cookie shape you like) and flatten them on a dehydrator.
Turn the dehydrator to 105F (41C) and dehydrate for about 4-6 hours. My advice is to check at 4 hours and see how chewy you want them to be (the denser you like them, the longer you want to keep them in).
You can serve them as soon as they’re out of the dehydrator, or keep them in the fridge for a few days.

Ingredients for 6-8:
170 ml (6 fl oz) + 1 tablespoon walnut oil (or olive oil)
170g (6 oz) organic chocolate (70% cocoa or more depending on taste), roughly chopped
1 cup (200g) unrefined sugar
4 eggs (+ 2 egg yolks)
1/2 cup ( unsweetened cocoa powder

Oil a 10-inch (25cm) round or square cake pan with 1 tablespoon of the oil, and preheat your oven to 350F (180C).
Over a double boiler (bain marie), melt the chocolate. Stir in the rest of the oil and mix until smooth. Turn off the heat and stir in the sugar. Remove from heat and gradually whisk in the eggs vigorously. Finally, lightly add the cocoa powder and whisk batter until it’s smooth and even again.
Pour the batter into the pan and bake for about 30 minutes or until the blade of a knive you stick in the middle of the pan comes out completely clean.
Take out and let cool 10 minutes, then carefully invert the cake onto a platter, makeing sure it doesn’t break.

You can serve this cake warm with:
a scoop of ice cream such as walnut, caramel, chocolate or vanilla are great if you use the walnut oil…or almond, chocolate and fig are wonderful with the olive oil
a little home made whipped cream
a cold vanilla creme anglaise

You can also serve it cold with:
raspberry coulis
strawberries poached in wine

Or simply eat it on its own!

et cetera